Early Termination of Rent Contract

Renting a property is a common practice for many individuals, families, and businesses. It provides a temporary solution for those who may not be ready or willing to commit to a long-term purchase or lease agreement. However, situations may arise where the tenant needs to terminate the rental contract early. This article will explore the various reasons why tenants may need to terminate their lease early and the steps they should take to do so effectively.

Why terminate a rental contract early?

There are various reasons why a tenant may need to terminate their rental contract early. Some of the common reasons include:

1. Job loss or relocation: If a tenant loses their job or is transferred by their employer to another location, they may need to terminate their rental contract early.

2. Family emergencies: Family emergencies such as illness, divorce, or death may cause a tenant to terminate their lease early.

3. Financial difficulties: If a tenant is facing financial difficulties, they may need to terminate their lease early to avoid defaulting on rent payments.

4. Unsafe living conditions: If the rental property becomes unsafe to live in due to structural damage or other hazards, the tenant may need to terminate their lease early for their safety.

5. Landlord breaches the contract: If the landlord breaches the rental contract, the tenant may need to terminate their lease early.

Steps to terminate a rental contract early

If a tenant needs to terminate their rental contract early, they should follow these steps:

1. Review the rental contract: The tenant should review their rental contract to understand the terms and conditions for early termination.

2. Provide written notice: The tenant should provide written notice to the landlord of their intent to terminate the rental contract early. The notice should include the reason for termination and the desired date of termination.

3. Pay any fees: The tenant may need to pay any fees or penalties outlined in the rental contract for early termination.

4. Schedule a move-out inspection: The tenant should schedule a move-out inspection with the landlord to ensure the property is in good condition and to collect their security deposit.

5. Return the keys: The tenant should return all keys to the rental property to the landlord or property manager.

6. Follow up with the landlord: The tenant should follow up with the landlord to ensure that they receive any refunds or other payments due to them.


Terminating a rental contract early can be a complex process, but it is possible with proper planning and communication. If a tenant needs to terminate their rental contract early, they should review their contract, provide written notice, pay any fees, schedule a move-out inspection, return keys, and follow up with the landlord. By following these steps, the tenant can terminate their rental contract early and minimize any potential legal issues.